Hull Family Homestead, Wetipquin, Maryland, UNITED STATES
This is the last resting place of the decendants of Sidney Hull. Sidney Hull was born March 1822 in Somerset County, Maryland. There is not any information concerning his childhood, except that he was a slave. He was joined in holy matrimony to Mary Horsey circa 1843. Mary Horsey Hull was born December 1820 in Somerset County, Maryland. She was the mother of twelve children, six of them still living in 1900.

Winifred Yolanda (Sue) Hull Dutton
1927 - 2019

Clarence Cornelius Jarvis Brown
1972 - 1994

Harvey Sidney Dutton
1927 - 2003

Harvey Sidney Dutton
1927 - 2003

Paul Douglas Hull
1937 - 1992

Suzette Adele Robinson Durant
1961 - 2001

Robert Henry Maddox, Jr.
0000 - 2000

Rufus B. Hull
1925 - 1992

John N. Hull
1896 - 1980

Esther Matilda Julia
1906 - 1994

Jesse L. Hull
1894 - 1960

Matthew "Buddy" Noah Hull
1913 - 1984

Annie L. Hull
1903 - 1970

James C. Whittingham
1906 - 1957

John A. Hull
1920 - 1955

Erene Ethel Robinson
1922 - 2007

Pauline Hull
1898 - 1988

Roger S. Hull
1891 - 1971

Ella Cornish Wright
1919 - 1998

James W. Cornish
1916 - 1994

Ella Jean Cornish Way
1937 - 1995